Please give me feedback if all is well or needs adjustment or have any other type of machine request let me know. ***Casino Poker Table*** - You can gamble for coins & cash. - Bet is 100 oldCash - Max winnings 15000 oldCash/casinoCoin - Minimum winnings 100 oldCash/casinoCoin - Very balanced loot you can win nothing or something. - Almost guaranteed to win everytime from 0-20 coins ***Casino Slot Machine*** - You can gamble for coins only. - Bet is 50 coins - Max winnings 10000 casinoCoin - Minimum winnings 100 casinoCoin - Very balanced loot you can win nothing or something. - Almost guaranteed to win everytime from 0-20 coins ***Casino High Roller Table*** - You can gamble for coins only. - Bet is 200 coins - Max winnings 40000 casinoCoin - Minimum winnings 200-400 casinoCoin - Very balanced loot you can win nothing or something. - Almost guaranteed to win everytime from 0-20 coins *** Casino Admin Tool <-- Turn the machines into woodframeblock found in dev menu. Hold right click on the machine spam E button =) ez mode. *** JJust hold a casinoCoin ie: Duke's and right click on the machine then loot. =) ***