New command /set death cost {cash}
Set a cost penalty for dying. The player's cash balance won't drop below zero.

You can now set an inventory watch timer on an individual player with /set watch player {name} timer {seconds}.

Fixed bad command help for the command /who visited. The correct syntax is /who visited player {name} days {number} hours {number} range {number} height {number}. Note: some parts are optional.

You can now flag a region as a reset zone by giving the bot the x and z number of the region.
eg. to set region r.-12.4.7rg as a reset zone use /add reset -12 4 or alternatively /remove reset -12 4
You can do this from IRC or in-game. From IRC you would type cmd /add reset -12 4

Fixed a small bug in the command /setup map so that if you tell it show players or show claims it sets all of the necessary permissions for that and not just some of them.

Fixed the bot's claim scanner to be compatible with A17.2 It WAS compatible with A17.2 but the Pimps removed a feature. The bot now reads all player claims every 5 minutes as well as individually at other times.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

<< Geri