Bug fixes and new commands

Added /enable (or disable) home teleport. You can block players from
teleporting home.

Added /set teleport delay <seconds> In PVP areas, teleport commands
from players will delay with a pm about the delay before triggering.
This prevents players from instantly teleporting out of pvp areas. The
delay is ignored in areas with pve rules.

Improved output of the /where command. Now tells you how far you are
from your homes and what compass direction they are in.

Fixed a bug in a function called stripQuotes where it would fail to
strip out double quotes.

Fixed a bug in the global ban list that prevented it banning a player if
they joined and have active global bans.

Fixed a bug in a gag. Can't have gags that don't work. Have fun
finding it 

Added message to IRC main channel whenever a player is kicked showing
the reason for the kick as given to the kickee.

Fixed initialisation issue that prevented the bot using the default irc
info from edit_me.lua

Altered teleport functions to allow for the new delayed teleporting.
Delayed teleports are sent to a queue with a timestamp and only actioned
when the timestamp moves to the past.

Fixed scanning for flying/clipping players so that all players except
staff are scanned instead of just new players and high ping players.
There have been too many low ping hackers lately. Can't let them miss
out on a ban.

Fixed bug that prevented the bot fixing the map when errors were

Increased sensitivity of the flying/clipping detection to catch more

Fixed minor bug with automatic setting of player chat colour. There's
still 1 bug remaining for another day.

Made the global ban code smarter. Bots can now approve bans based on
ingame observations. Global bans added by admins are always pending and
will only trigger a warning if that player joins another server, but if
the other server's bot bans the player for hacking, the bot activates
all pending bans against that player resulting in them getting banned on
arrival at other servers.

Various minor code fixes.

Missed off the changelog..

Fixed an issue with teleports done through Server Tools not being properly detected and flagged by the bot which resulted in players getting temp banned.

Joi, Iunie 8, 2017

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