Some stuff that's in the next update that I'm working on;

You will be able to whitelist countries. If any countries are whitelisted, only players from those countries (and staff and whitelisted players) can play on it.

You will be able to customise the blacklisted countries.

You can disable the blacklist entirely by setting /blacklist action nothing.

I am hoping to get server voting finished. It doesn't need a lot of coding.

I have added a new timed queue table for the web interface to command the bot to reload a named table or run a supplied sql query. Although the web interface has direct access to the bot's database, there will be times you don't want the bot to refresh its in-memory tables from the entire table, and just refresh a few fields. The supplied query will be run from the bot (typically a select query) and the bot will read in just those fields in the query. This way you can update pieces without upsetting the bot's own database writebacks too much.

I also want to test and debug the bot's reserved slots feature. For that one I need a few helpers as I can't really fake it on my own.

The ping kick will get a new setting so you can have it applied to all players (except staff and whitelisted players), not just the new players as it is currently.

I added a new command /kick joe reason coz (or just /kick joe - gets the reason 'kicked by admin'). I have had several requests for this even though doing a kick from console is not that hard to do.

IRC may get some new commands. One that I want to add is 'where has joe played'. It will give you a list of the servers known to the bot where joe has a player record. It may get a few details added to it.

Another enhancement coming is, if a player gets manually banned or is detected hacking, an alert will be posted to every connected bot's IRC alerts channel. I will probably also add a command 'list bans other servers' with optional player name and optional number of days to report. All of this sort of stuff will be in the web interface as well.

Tirsdag, Oktober 31, 2017

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