Players can again teleport directly to friends with /joe (for example).

The bot has a 1 command memory and you can recall the last command with / or /again. If the last command included north, south, east or west you can repeat it and change its direction with / west or /again west. Once changed, you can simply repeat it with / or /again

When the bot is reset it now sets all players to spawn at lobby when they first join after the wipe. You will need to recreate lobby as well or this setting is ignored and forgotten when players join so make a new lobby as soon as possible.

Waypoints can now have a cost and a cooldown timer set. Also you can set the max waypoints for donors. Here is the updated ingame help.

Waypoints are personal teleports that you can set and share with friends.

Admins see this bit..
/set max waypoints <number> (default 2).
/set max waypoints donors <number>.
/set max waypoints <player> number <number>.
/set waypoint create cost <number> (default 0).
/set waypoint cost <number>. (Cost to use, default 0)
/set waypoint cooldown <number>. (Timer in seconds between uses, default 0)

Players see this..
/set wp <name of waypoint> to set or re-set them.
/wp <name of waypoint>. Teleport to the named waypoint. eg. /wp wp1
/share wp <name of waypoint>. Allow your friends to tele to it with /wp <your name> <name of waypoint>
/close (or unshare) wp <name of waypoint>. Make it private again.
/clear wp <name of waypoint>. Deletes the waypoint.
/link <wp1> to <wp2>. Convert two waypoints to a portal. In this mode nobody can tp to them, instead you step into them.
/unlink <wp1> (or <wp2>). Unlinking either end of a portal unlinks both. They revert to waypoints again.
/waypoints <optional name of friend>. List your waypoints or the shared ones of a friend.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

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