Hey guys! I have just updated the trial branch (/set update branch trial, if you want it) or you can stay using stable branch it will soon be released.

I have completed the country blacklist and country whitelist and their management commands. I will update the github repo later today so I can give you a proper changelog.

The new list management commands are all ingame commands though I personally do them all from irc. Here are the commands..

/list country whitelist (this also lists whitelisted players and their countries if known)
/add whitelist country US
/remove whitelist country US
/clear country whitelist

/list country blacklist
/add blacklist country CN
/remove blacklist country CN (you be crazy)
/clear country blacklist (here ye be dragons oh and hackers)

You can allow a player from a blacklisted country individually with..
/whitelist add {player name}

The blacklist does not apply to staff. Also it works by doing a dns lookup on every player on the server or joining. It is not instantaneous as I have to allow time for the lookup result to come back. It takes 1 minute but then it will ban the player. I may add a 2nd read attempt at 30 seconds but in my experience some DNS lookups are just sloooow.

Also the whitelist will ban players that don't present proper papers er.. aren't from the right countries. It only bans for 1 month currently as I expect whitelists might change more frequently than the blacklist.

Quinta-feira, Novembro 2, 2017

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