I am also adding the Minecraft game Spleef which will be 2 opposing bases in the sky (ideally over water) made out of hay bales. Each team will receive rockets and launchers and the objective is to be the last team to fall from the sky. I may also do a variant which is a big flat platform that collapses just where you walk and you have a shoot out and try to be the last player to fall/die. I have done some trials and it looks like it will work great and should be lots of fun.

The platforms will be self generating and will despawn/respawn as required. I have even allowed for forced removal of the rockets and launchers from players.

The testing branch has been updated again. This time I have adjusted the logic behind the reserved slots and you can now reserve every slot. The maths is working correctly and it has performed flawlessly in tests. I may adjust the logic behind allocating players to slots but even if I leave it as is, it is working now.

Domingo, Novembro 12, 2017

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