This update may require a complete restart of the bot for some of the changes to work properly. I have been upgrading bots by restarting and waiting for the bot to announce that it is online, then restarting it once more.

I have fixed gimme, the arena, added my take on zgates (waypoints). The shop bug is fixed too.

The waypoints have had a major re-write to make them more closely resemble zgates in function. I haven't seen CBSM's code or played with zgates so this is entirely my take on how I think they work but I've also added my own twist. Here is the updated ingame help for them which you can read with /help waypoints.

Waypoints are personal teleports that you can set and share with friends.
You can set up to 10 waypoints.

/set wp <name of waypoint> to set or re-set them.
/wp <name of waypoint>. Teleport to the named waypoint.
/share wp <name of waypoint>. Allow your friends to tele to it with /wp james <name of waypoint>
/close (or unshare) wp <name of waypoint>. Make it private again.
/clear (or del) wp <name of waypoint>. Deletes the waypoint.
/link wp <wp1> to <wp2>. Convert two waypoints to a portal. In this mode nobody can tp to them, instead you step into them.
/unlink wp <wp1> (or <wp2>). Unlinking either end of a portal unlinks both. They revert to waypoints again.
/waypoints <optional name of friend>. List your waypoints or the shared ones of a friend.

For admins, you can set how many waypoints everyone can have with /set max waypoints 10. You can set a different number per player with /set max waypoints joe number 1. (suck it Joe). If you use the first version of this command, it applies to everyone so to keep individual settings, don't repeat the first command once you've set it and are happy with it.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

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