Playtime reward & much more has arrived might take up to 20hours max for all bots to receive updates!

You can force the update your self by typing /update code  in-game or on irc "update code'


New commands:

/set return cooldown <seconds>. You can add a delay to the return command. Does not affect staff.

/password <secret>.
Important bot functions can now be password protected. If a master password has been set and you use a protected command, you must use this password command before the bot will action your command. If you get it wrong, it will mock you.

/enable (or disable) hacker tp detection.
Some mods or managers don't report legit teleports to telnet which breaks the bot's hacker teleport detection. If the bot doesn't automatically disable/enable hacker tp detection, you can manually change it.

/bloodmoon. Another alias to /day7 and /when feral.

/clear reset zones. Make the bot forget all reset zones so you can start over with new ones.

/enable (or disable) pvp protect. Allow players to set base protection in pvp rules.

/enable (or disable) bot restart. Allow or prevent restarting of the bot via command.

/set (or clear) master password <secret up to 50 chars long>. Set a password to protect critical bot functions from accidental or otherwise being actioned unchallenged.
Note: Any level 0 admin can set or change the password but it all gets logged anyway so keep a sharp stick handy incase they mess with it. Its purpose is to make it harder to accidentally the bot.

/set irc nick <bot name>. Sometimes after restarting the bot, its irc nick isn't freed fast enough and the bot gains an underscore. Use this command to force its irc nick back to how it should be.

/disable (or enable) watch alerts. If the inventory watch messages bother you and you don't want to see them you can disable them entirely.

/set lottery prize <number>. You can manually reset the daily lottery to any positive amount or 0.

/set playtime reward <number>. Have players automatically earn x amount of bot money per minute. It works on a timer and is applied to ingame players on at the time (except new players).

New IRC command 'set player <joe> cash 0'. Coz Joe sucks. You can set a player's cash to any amount.

New IRC command 'empty shop'. Everything must go! Allows you to start with an empty shop so you don't have to remove everything individually.


Noteworthy command changes:
/restart bot, can now be protected with a password as above. It is also now disabled by default and will need you to enable it first with /enable bot restart.
This is to prevent accidentally shutting down the bot as not every bot is setup to automatically restart. Instructions on how to do that have been posted in my official support thread on the Pimps forums and will be in a guide on the botman website as well.
All bots hosted by myself whether privately or through have the ability to restart themselves on command.

/equip admin, removed iron armour and replaced with shiny new military armour.

/reset bot, now has the ability to preserve player's cash if you type /reset bot keep cash.

/tele <name> start (or end) size <radius in blocks>
Physical teleports (the kind you step on) can now have a radius set at either end. The default width is 3 blocks.
Admins can teleport directly to a named teleport eg /tp southport. Normally the teleport will activate a few seconds upon arrival but using this method to teleport to it adds a 5 second delay giving you a bit more time to step off it.

The IRC command 'server' reports more info about the server and bot.
The IRC command 'server info' reports in full, info about the bot's settings in human readable language. Not the same as the server command above.

Misc changes:
You can now allow base protection in pvp rules.
Added more easter eggs and other silliness. Have fun finding them
Excluded some new stuff from logging and other reporting such as passwords, server API keys etc.
Removed reference to using casino coins in the gimme game.
Added an optional pvp teleport delay and return delay.
Added botman.ini and api.ini and functions to read and write them. You can change many bot settings by editing botman.ini and commanding the bot to read the ini file.
The zombie scanner (for safe zones) now scans every 15 seconds on a low pop server or every 30 seconds on a high pop server to help reduce lag.
Private locations no longer pm players that enter or leave them allowing for more stealthy locations. It will alert them to rule changes such as pvp to pve.

Bugs fixed:
The command /feral reboot delay <minutes>, wasn't storing the minutes correctly. You can disable the feral reboot delay by setting this to 0.
Fixed some bad return values in some chat commands.
Fixed a bug with setting of village size. It would revert to 32.
Altered one of the waypoint commands so that you can't accidentally set everyone's max waypoints when you meant to do something else.
Fixed the IRC command 'who played today'. It now works and lists in order of appearance every player that joined the server in the last 24 hours.
Fixed a bug where a village would report that some random player was the mayor. It was a visual bug only, but an annoying one.
Fixed a harmless bug where the bot would report a fault when it runs for the first time on a server. It would automatically fix itself anyway.
Fixed an IRC bug where the wrong player could be paid bot money.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

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