Major update rolling out soon to the bot estimate rough time within the next two weeks.

A bunch of new tables for stuff including..

- timed events (currently just rolling announcements which you can now set to happen from 1 minute to any number of minutes apart)
- bot chat (with provision for multiple random responses)
- bot commands (for assigning custom access levels and a few other properties)
- reserved slots (a total recode. Its not quite working yet, but it is a lot more flexible and will survive bot restarts)

I have completed the changes to rolling messages and I am testing a bad bug with zed spawns in the arena.

Still on the todo list but started is a redesign of how the bot manages the shop. It now reads all the known items into a table, spawnableItems. This table will be used by all parts of the bot that need to know about items. I am coding a parser for the files items.xml, blocks.xml and recipes.xml. The purpose of reading those is to set flags for things like, dev blocks, and uncraftable items.

Csütörtök, Június 29, 2017

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