Released a fix for the false flagging of legit teleports. While it probably isn't perfect, it should significantly reduce incidents of false reporting. I will have to wait and see what happens on live servers. I expect excessive lag could cause some false flagging still.

The bot's github repo has also been updated.

[Edit] A reminder for those of you running Server Tools and/or SDX your bot will not be monitoring teleporting. If you want it to ban hackers that teleport all over the map you need to enable it with..

/enable hacker tp detection

I'm not that familiar with Server Tools or SDX. I just know that one of them can teleport players without anything being sent to telnet. Since the bot relies on telnet to know what's up, it can't know that the tp was intentional. With the tp detection enabled, try teleporting a player via whichever of those mods can do that and see if they get banned. It might take 2-3 teleports to find out.

Kedd, Június 12, 2018

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