To save a few costs I have moved to The old link will stop working in a few days. Please update your bookmarks. All other info stays the same.
- Color leak fixed - bm-help updated - bm-zombiefreetime fixed
- marking/filling now does it in a straight line no longer 1 block from the east this is pblock fixed!.
- exporting prefabs now go to LocalPrefabs was changed in a19 now exporting prefabs they go there.
*Botman Mod 2.1.4 Released.* ``` - Fixed clans invite now works 100% all functional - bm-unlockall now unlocks all crates including the text labeled ones now. - safe zones This is the bots mark/fill/dig etc command updated. - pblock this is the bots mark/fill/dig command updated hopefully fixes few peoples previous issue with starting from ... לקריאה נוספת »